Students studying

Aerospace Physiology and Medicine

A program that focuses on the scientific study of the physiological processes involved in low and high-altitude flight and living in space and related low-pressure and low-gravity environments, including sensorimotor interactions, response mechanisms, and the effects of injury, disease, and disability. Includes instruction in anatomy, molecular and cellular basis of muscle contraction, fuel utilization, neurophysiology of motor mechanics, systemic physiological responses (respiration, blood flow, endocrine secretions, and others), fatigue and exhaustion, systemic environmental pathologies, muscle and body training, physiology of specific exercises and activities, physiology of injury, and the effects of disabilities and disease.

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Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University offers a comprehensive collection of programs designed to position students for success in aerospace, aviation, business, security and intelligence, engineering and beyond. Its campus in Daytona Beach, Florida, is...


As an Aerospace Engineering student I have found that learning at Embry-Riddle is based on your ability to teach yourself. Some professors are less willing to help than others, and often you must ask the right questions to get what you need. You...

” – Meagan from Hagerstown, MD