French Language and Literature

Parlez-vous francais? If you understood that question, you've probably taken a course in French or have some interest in the country's language and culture. What better way to explore your inner Francophile than by majoring in French language and literature? As a French language and literature major, you'll learn about the culture and people of France. The curriculum generally focuses on the French language, the country's history, and some of its greatest literary works. By the time you graduate, you should have a solid grasp of reading, writing, and speaking French. Classes will typically be held in a classroom setting, but they won't all be lectures - you'll need plenty of practice speaking to become fluent, after all! Some programs require or encourage a study abroad program, which will help immerse you in French and enhance your foreign language skills. A variety of career opportunities exist for those with a degree in French language and literature. Many go on to become foreign language teachers or work for companies with strong interests in or ties to French-speaking countries. Still others may become tour guides in French-speaking countries, teach English to French-speaking students, or work as translators.

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