Best Cosmetology Colleges & Programs in California

How are the Top Cosmetology Programs Chosen in California

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Santa Monica College

With campus a short distance from the Pacific Ocean, Santa Monica College is a 2-year community college in the greater Los Angeles area. SMC grants associate degrees and certificates in more than 80 academic fields of study. In addition, Santa Monica...


Every school has its pros and cons, especially when it comes to the faculty. Fortunately most of the professors at SMC are top notch, many have taught and still teach at great schools such as UCLA. I recently took a business course and it put me at...

” – Amanda from Los Angeles, CA
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Skyline College is a 2-year community college that groups a number of related fields of study into four concentrations called Meta Majors—the equivalent of academic departments. Skyline employs counselors specializing in each Meta Major and several...


i am leanring alot about myself at skyline beacuse it gives me the chance to get to know myself and what type of course i can handle and i also teaches me how to be indepent.i learned how to transition from a high schol student to a productive...

” – jalisa from daly city , CA
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Solano Community College is a public, 2-year institution located in Fairfield, California. SCC offers day, evening, and weekend classes in order to accommodate students with scheduling limitations. The college’s Degree and Certificate catalogue is...


I am currently a nursing major at Solano, though I am not applying to their nursing program, and their science department is fantastic! I have learned so much through the materials provided by the school, studious classmates with the same...

” – Sophia from Vallejo, CA
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Yuba College is a 2-year institution and the main campus of northern California’s Yuba Community College District. The Yuba campus offers degrees and certificates in nine academic departments as well as community education courses in subjects such as...

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Santiago Canyon College is a 2-year community college in Orange County, California.  SCC offers over 160 degrees and certificates, with 21 associate degrees boasting transfer guarantees to any California State University. Santiago Canyon also directs...


I have taken quite a few classes at SCC and I feel as though I have retained a large portion of what I have studied. I have taken anything from Psychology to English to Human Sexuality; the wide range of classes offered really makes SCC a great...

” – Lisa from Anaheim, CA